Tumtuu and Buuftuu: Smith and smelter

 Abayyani old iron smelters (above) are seen measuring the width and circumference of the smelting house, which was constructed for demonstration in November 2007(below).
 Youngsters who were organized under the locality names Laga Hareeraa and Hinnika Jaree under the supervision and teachings of old master smelters were transporting construction materials for the smelting hut (right)
 Right below is a field where one of iron smelting sites near Aira town is situated. The man siting in the field belongs to the family and owner of the smelting site. He himself participated in one of the 2007 demonstration activity of iron smelting and was important in leading the researcher to identify iron age sites in and around Aira town
This is a front view of Iron smelting furnace from Abayyani, Wollega (west), which I commissioned for its reconstruction in the late 2007
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